This blog is a collection of thoughts written in a way that makes sense to me. And then some thoughts from others added in, which may make more sense than mine... Point being, whether words or attempts at poetry or the odd photo, these are the words in my head. So you can usually tell how I'm feeling by what I post. It helps to get the thoughts out, to put the words down, to clear my head. More people should write down their thoughts instead of yelling them at others...
My words are searching for someone to call their own. So here they are, released from the pages I wrote them on, and maybe you'll discover the words I wrote for you.
I write my words for people. So, if you know me, there is probably something here that I have written for you :)
The poem that inspired me to start the blog, and where the name came from:
It doesn't matter how often I write words down,
Because they can mean and dream all they like,
But the truth is, they're lonely and alone,
They can long and lust and lie all they like,
Without a purpose, they drift meaningless,
Just waiting and hoping for someone to call on,
The words scream frustration from the page,
Aching for the moment when eyes bring them to life,
So then I can say that I wrote them for you,
And the words have someone to call their own.
Orphaned Ink - Bonnie.