04 June, 2013

The best kind of break up.

I watched a movie tonight called "Celeste and Jesse Forever" that was sweet and sad and funny and honest.

It is about a break up between two people who are essentially soul mates and best friends and how each of them copes with moving on from the relationship.

It made me think...all break ups should be like theirs.

Wouldn't you want the last thing you say to each other to be 'I love you', whilst accepting that now it is over and you both have to move on?

You could leave knowing that you have left a piece of your heart with them, and likewise you have a piece of theirs. Forever.

The perfect break up.

Instead, it seems that break ups are too often nasty and whatever love was there to begin with is buried in the aftermath.

I cried because I wish that this movie could be true in life, whilst I know that it is unlikely that it ever will be.

Friendships disintegrate. Relationships break down. We all have to move on.

29 May, 2013

Thoughts on life.

In life, in this moment breath and mind come together to create, leave a fiery path of passion behind you. Believe. Leave only memory of the way you lived. Live to leave memories. Love, and love, and love again. Become a little more broken each time you lose but find someone capable of holding the pieces of you together. Smile. Frown. Laugh. Cry. The passage of time is better marked on your skin with lines than ink. Be unwise to find wisdom. Accept your fears and then beat them. Always learn. Let new information become a part of you. Create. Do not expect breath to last because one day it will be gone. Breathe deeper. Live.

14 March, 2013

No words.

Thought I had better write an explanation for why my blog has been so neglected lately... It's a shame because I love writing and it's almost a form of therapy for me. But I'm doing my honours project this year at university and I think all of my words are going to be taken up in that 10 000 word thesis due in October. Yeesh.

Also, I just can't write when I'm happy and life has been pretty alright lately I guess :) There might be the odd procrastination post every now and then just before exams come round. For now, I'm just looking forward to the day when I have more time to myself and can get stuck into writing for myself again.

Until then.
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