20 September, 2011

Head and heart.

The classic battle - your head versus your heart. Your heart all for one person, your head telling you that someone better is out there.

When the battle is real - my mind is on one person the whole day, but when I fall asleep and dream of someone else coming to rescue me...

I guess my head is telling me that there's only one person who I should be thinking of. But my heart screams no.

16 September, 2011

Power out.

Stayed up 'til the lights came on,
The candles all shrunken to drips of wax,
Stars muffled behind smudges of cloud,
An imagined glow on the horizon,
Could hear the rumble of the surf,
Crashing of molten silver waves by moonlight,
To rouse something lost inside,
Bringing it drifting to the surface,
First, the caress of midnight-cooled breeze,
Then, the simmer of your touch,
Time softened in the haze of dark,
Memory fleeting as the shifting shadows.

14 September, 2011


There's an anger deep in my stomach that I can't shift or find the cause of...
The pain that descends heavily,
It breaks and doubles over,
Knowing no silence or peace,
Just the rip of screams.
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